General Competition Conditions for Competitions at Waterville Golf Links
Men’s Golf Club
- Format of competition - As per Competition Book.
- No. of holes to be played - As per Competition Book.
- Entry fee for competition to be placed in envelope supplied showing Name,
Record no. in competition book and Handicap and placed in Competitions Box.
- Entry Fee -As per Competition Book.
- Entry must be by means of manual entry in the competition book with name,
handicap and entry fee.
- Then use swipe card or Golf Ireland Number on the computer if available to
sign in.
- Play from which Tee Markers - As per Competitions Book.
- All scores must be entered on the computer & card submitted to competition
card box within a reasonable time after completion of round regardless of your
score or the number of holes played.
- In the event of a tie the usual count back system will apply. The back nine
holes of Waterville Golf Links will be used to determine same regardless of
starting on 1st or 10th hole when requested by Committee or Starter to
facilitate the smooth running of the golf course in 18 hole competitions.
- Junior’s eligible to mark adults cards but not another junior’s card.
- 2 juniors per fourball maximum.
- If less than 20 competitors play in a Sponsored Competition with the
exception of The John Quinlan Memorial and The Joe O’Mahony Memorial,
it will revert to a Club Sponsored event.
- There must be 5 competitors to ensure a valid competition takes place.
- There must be 15 competitors in any competition to qualify for a place in the
Winners Cup. That is the total no. of competitors in a 2 day competition.
- Members are requested to complete score cards to include Competition,
Name, Handicap, Date, Scores and Signatures before submission to assist
Competitions Secretary. Your assistance in this would be greatly appreciated.
- Holders of a non-competitive handicap will not be eligible to win 1st prize in
any competition.
- Entry to the 4 Major Competitions i.e. The Captains Prize, The Presidents
Prize, The John A. Mulcahy Trophy and The John Quinlan Memorial will be
run through a time sheet or via an Online Time Sheet.
- Members over the age of 75 with a playing Handicap Index of 35.0 or over
may play off the Green Markers in all Club Competitions including the Majors.
The Captain & Committee,
Waterville Men’s Golf Club.
23rd June 2022